Project advancement.
The project requires investments.
Investments to be made amount to EUR 300,000 (three hundred thousand) for 3 years.
The investments are used for:
1. Manufacturing 4 samples of the Stepanov piston (reciprocating) engine (SPE) in accordance with the patent of Ukraine (for more information please refer to );
2. Installation of 4 sample engines at:
- a mobile power station;
- a scooter;
- an automobile.
3. Testing of the sample engines in operation.
4. In parallel with activities as per Items 1, 2, and 3, the Stepanov Transmission Gear is patented in key countries. The international application ¹PCT/UA2010/000056 of Stepanov''''s transfer mechanism has published on April, 7th 2011 under ¹WO 2011/040895. The Investor is included into the list of declarants and obtains part of rights for the patent. The Stepanov Transmission Gear is a part of the SPE and the obtained patent may not be bypassed or avoided.
5. Following the testing as per Item 3, an application to the Guiness World Records is made to set a world record in the most fuel-efficient engine. In order to set the record, the SPE-equipped automobile moves under its own power to one of the key European automobile exhibitions where sample engines mentioned in Item 2 will be exhibited. The automobile''s traveling to the automobile exhibition shall be accompanied by TV shows and broadcasting performed by a TV company, which would have purchased the broadcasting rights. The funds obtained will allow partial (or full) redemption of investments, and the TV shows and broadcasting will provide the best advertising.
6. As soon as the Guiness World Record is set, participation in a key European automobile exhibition will bring the Stepanov Transmission Gear licence buyers with almost 100% probability. Funds obtained from sale of licences will fully redeem the investments made and provide net profits.